Captain's Log, January 1st
Yeah... One year is ending, and a brand new is beggining now. It's the moment to sit down and think about the things we lived, and the things we'll live now. The time that you ask yourself about your old mistakes, and plan your new actions.
I'm thinking now that this first day of 2007 is like a meeting between my past and my future, the old mixed up with the new - doing some kind of "mess", of course... =)
If I stop to think now, I wonder how many things GREAT things!) God gave me on this year (2006). I met many incredible people, many "strangers" that became closer to my heart so fast. I had many trips, many laughs, many projects, many "strange-great-wonderful-scaring-new" experiences, and a loooot of free time... hehe... In fact, my english is not able to tell you the special year I got. Looking for the other hand, now I have a new year, with a lot of projects, dreams, ideas, and a lot of stuff that makes me feel excited and scared at the same time! Wow!
But my "first lesson" for this year (the one that I want to share with you, and the one that I need to learn better too!), it's to not close your eyes to remember the past, or even to guess the future... We need to open our eyes for TODAY! Taking all we have in hands now, and not lose the oportunities and experiences that God is giving us NOW...
"Don't close your eyes
Don't close your eyes
This is your life, and today is all you've got now
And today is all you'll ever have
Don't close your eyes
Don't close you eyes
This is your life
Are you who you wanna be?
This is your life
Are you who you wanna be?
This is your life
Is it everything you've dreamed it would be
When the world was younger
And you had everything to lose"
Enjoy TODAY as you wouldn't have tomorrow... Play, laugh, be with your friends, learn, read, do your best! Of course, learn with your past, and don't forget your future... But, "don't close your eyes" for all the flowers that are growing on your garden, just for today... =)
Stay in Peace...
2 comentários:
Daniel, muito bem, começou o ano mandando bem no recado!
Sabe, muitas vezes a gente se detém pensando no passado, ruminando o que poderia ter sido diferente, ou vivendo num ideal de realidade no futuro, para fugirmos do presente. Pois como vc colocou de maneira muito correta, viver o presente é tudo, se dar conta de tantas oportunidades e belezas (tantas vezes simples e sutis) que teremos na nossa vida hoje! Viver o presente, aprendendo com o passado e planejando o futuro, é sinônimo também de equilíbrio.
Busquemos foco e equilíbrio em 2007, os resultados serão surpreendentes!
Beijos e parabéns pela escolha da música também, é fantástica.
Ai Daniéu, só tu pra me fazer ler em inglês a essa hora! Mas enfim, bela reflexão pra um começo de ano... eu mesmo tive um ano muito doido, e agora, pra 2007, tenho planos como há algumtempo já não tinha para um novo ano. Oportunidades são fáceis de perder, o passado e fácil de esquecer, o aprendizado é fácil de ser negligenciado... mas sem o passado, o que seria da gente no presente? E essa vida é muito louca.. sou suspeita pra falar pq sou um tanto quando saudosa.
Ow, topensando em tanta coisa que nem sei como terminar! heheheh Já sei: que inveja, vc tá no Janz Team! (tudo a ver) auheuhaehauhe
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